
Lichess used as platform for political ideology is a direct attack on the game of chess

@Meddard It's not chess though, is it. It's a website run by human beings. If they believe they can help in some tiny way to make the world a better place, that's their choice. You have the freedom to object to that, and that's great too. Everybody's happy, yes?
Black lives matter is not political it is humanitarian.
You can be for or against Trump, that is political.
Do you believe black lives do not matter?
Do you believe choking or shooting unarmed black people in the back is legitimate as their lives do not matter at all?
The original people of the USA were red.
White people came there from Europe in search for a better life.
Black people were shipped there from Africa chained as slaves.
Martin Luther King was shot.
Muhammed Ali was jailed.
Black USA olympic atheletes used to protest against racism with a black glove.
No lifes matter when most of the people die in this thread they will be forgotten

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