
White has left the game

Can I get a technical analysis from Lichess please on what the server saw on my connection at this point in my game? I apparently 'left the game' at this point but I did no such thing, and the game was awarded to Black.
@pauliewoll said in #1:
> Can I get a technical analysis from Lichess please on what the server saw on my connection at this point in my game? I apparently 'left the game' at this point but I did no such thing, and the game was awarded to Black.

if i had a penny for everytime i answered this question i would be rich
also should make the answer into a copy pasta

"What happened is you got disconnected from lichess and did not notice or get told by your browser. Which made your oppants clock tick down to 0 and make it seem that you won but when you exit or reload the page or click to analyse you get reconnected and see that you lost because you never got your opponents move."

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