
Facebook to allow calls of violence against Russians (Reuters)


If ypu interested, look for an article of Vladislav Surkov (moderm russian ideolog, assistant of the putin) entitled “Where did the chaos go? Unpacking stability. "

He theoretically substantiates why Russia will NEVER STOP expanding territorially. I.e. - to wage war with neighbours . It is very interesting reading - modern russian ideology. Also I can recommend works of Gyrinovsky (he just impose clown. Very clever man, as matter of fact), S.Markov, Dm.Medvedev and, surely V.Putin.

No joke or sarcasm here.
I see the Russian-state-news-equals-the-opinion-of-all-Russians conflation is going strong here. I suggest anyone trying to further this narrative is acting in bad faith. I find it impossible to believe that people actually think Russian state media is legitimate in any way. I wonder what their intent is beyond fomenting hate and distrust for our fellow humans. The atrocities of any government are not the atrocities of the people in the country that is governed, PARTICULARLY in the case of a dictatorial regime.
@Alex_1987 said in #20:
> I cited your post post in #15 (and now also in #19) to be provocative, not #1. I stated everything I wanted in this topic and am not gonna discuss "violence against russian civilians". Simply because I don't want to.
Wow, that was ultra-pathetic.
@Roman_Sawur said in #18:
> I suppose, no. But demilitarisation and defascisation of russia are nesessary.
> Or after several years war again will come from russia to world.
> Unpunished evil will reborn yourself.

Russia has no right to force Ukraine against its choices, and n
@Alex_1987 said in #20:
> I cited your post post in #15 (and now also in #19) to be provocative, not #1. I stated everything I wanted in this topic and am not gonna discuss "violence against russian civilians". Simply because I don't want to.

So you refuse to answer the question. Bye
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@Evelynamodifieddog said in #22:
> I find it impossible to believe that people actually think Russian state media is legitimate in any way.

The worst thing is that it is actually absolutely legitimate for russians. Yes, I know, it is even hard to imagine for ordinary European reasonable citizen given the content of their media. But russians are fed with this hate many-many years. Yes, they absolutely seriously believe in nazis in Ukraine, in secret American biological labs in Ukraine, in Ukrainian dirty nuclear bomb, in nazis shelling their own cities and hospitals just in order to show how bad russians are, and russians of course do not harm civilians and the whole world just lies about russia. These all is what russians TRULY believe. And this is the worst part - there is no way out of this.
<Comment deleted by user>
@Alex_1987 said in #27:
> The worst thing is that it is actually absolutely legitimate for russians. Yes, I know, it is even hard to imagine for ordinary European reasonable citizen given the content of their media. But russians are fed with this hate many-many years. Yes, they absolutely seriously believe in nazis in Ukraine, in secret American biological labs in Ukraine, in Ukrainian dirty nuclear bomb, in nazis shelling their own cities and hospitals just in order to show how bad russians are, and russians of course do not harm civilians and the whole world just lies about russia. These all is what russians TRULY believe. And this is the worst part - there is no way out of this.
You are despicable for claiming ALL Russians believe any single thing. You clearly have an irrational hatred for average Russians, and for that reason you are disparaging them with your loathsome idea of the Russian citizenry. It is really annoying, impy, trollish behavior.
@Evelynamodifieddog said in #29:
> You are despicable for claiming ALL Russians believe any single thing. You clearly have an irrational hatred for average Russians, and for that reason you are disparaging them with your loathsome idea of the Russian citizens. It is really annoying, impy, trollish behavior.

No, it is because I am able to actually follow state of things and their media. Unlike some Europeans who believe in Unicorns and "good russians".

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