
What on earth has happened with the simuls on lichess ?


Ok, I hope whatever bug it is can be fixed soon.

However, I just tried a test simul, and as before, it did not come up on the main simuls list.

It came up under something called "Your Pending simuls"

Which presumably means that no one else but myself can see it.

"Your pending simuls" seems like a change..not a bug ....that never used to be the case..did it ?

Could you please state clearly what the position is now regarding simuls ?

I have just looked and there are very few at all now !!

I think the message seems to be getting through that it is not worth your time bothering with simuls at the moment on lichess

That is a real pity because lichess was by far the best site for simuls..........but now ???
Hmmm, a bug lol ? I have some doubts about that sorry. There may be a bug..who knows
I just tried to start a simul as well, same thing...... "your pending simuls".
Bugs do not arise like that, unless lichess has developed artificial intelligence and has decided it wants a nice rest :)
That is a programming change for sure, and it seems rather sad that someone is trying to suggest it is just a "bug"
I hope lichess just be straight about this and return us to the position simuls used to be in.
Bug free and free to anyone who wishes to host one
Lol, yes, but no one can see it but you :)
So whats the point ?
Well, if you mean what is the point in trying to host a simul ?

At the moment, unless you are one of those lucky people whose simuls actually show up on the main list, there isn't much point at the moment it seems, sadly.

It is also very sad that no one from lichess has explained exactly what is going on, so we all know, and has not suggested a way you can make sure that you do not have to join someone's club, and then have them just delete the simul.

Or keeping you waiting forever before they actually start :(
I used to play here a couple of years ago.........there used to be loads of simuls all the time
What happened ?????????
Seems to be hard to find one that you can play in, that doesn't involve you in having to join someone's club now :(
There are the odd ones, although how they manage to get any players eludes me.

Perhaps they prearrange them with friends ??

I have not played in one for a while, it is getting difficult to find any without "catches"

I am sorry but as far as I can see this "bug" has not been fixed ???

Same things happen !

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