
How should I improve in this game.

Why did you play 3...Nf6 just giving him a pawn for free?
Why did you play 11...Re8, removing your rook from the open file?
Your 16...d4 was dangerous. If he finds 17 Qc4+ and 18 Ng5 you face a huge problem.

You play too fast. This was a 15+15 time control. At the end you had 9 minutes left on your clock. So you played as if it were 10+10 time control.

You need some opening knowlegde man! Go and watch some video's on Youtube. Why should you fight the center witch c5 when your opponent is passive with 1.e3. C5 Sicillian is used against 1.e4. Here i prefer grabbing space and play e5 or d5, so you have more control over the centre. You probably expected he would strike with d5?

And white's opening is als very poor wich i think around your level is the most important part of the game. For me it was around 1100-1300!
@Luckystrike095 I disagree. Opening knowledge is irrelevant below 2000 rating. It is pointless to prepare knowledge about 1 e3. 1 e3 c5 is OK, it is like 1 c4 e6 reverse. 1 c4 is not bad, so 1...c5 is OK too. 1 e3 2 b3 is OK, it is a reverse Owen Defence or reverse Queen's Indian Defence according to how black plays. You cannot refute that. Tactics is the most important below 2000 rating. Here both players missed 17 Qc4+
@tpr It was my opinion based on my own experience. "Opening knowledge is irrelevant below 2000''. Thats something new for me. Only if you take a quick look on the game i see an opening totally out of theorie, bad placed pieces, double moves in the opening, an issolated pawn centre. Black could have taken advantage of it by knowing some opening principles. A good opening transposes in a good middlegame. And the owen defence and QID are quite difficult openings to play so i dont get this choiche either. Learn some gambits, fast development and have fun attacking youre opponent. Thats what i think should help the most for @JushBJJ2.
L/S/M/F/T to #5...there are three possible meanings to this. Do you know them? :] Very passive opening Jush
Nobody needs opening knowledge below 2400, well thats not excatly true, but you just learn while analysing some top games.
I think this is a realy good game by black, Re8 helps grabbing the center, because the d6 pawn was pinned. The each move improves the position of blacks pieces. I like it!

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