
Many children are philistines. How should we solve this problem?

@CSKA_Moscou said in #10:
> However, it could be a happening and people could pay you. I heard that a Belgian artist had made a machine that eats and makes its own...

Good lord, the children are infecting Belgium!

Downvote if ya love me!
I can feel the love yea!
Let me hear you say it yea!
We is havin fun now yea!
We be reflectin' and respectin' yea!
Give me an amen yea !
@clousems said in #1:
> Children are the worst. The very worst. If you are a child, and you're above that age range where you're just so gosh darn cute (i.e., between 6 months to 7 years old), you almost certainly suck harder than a tornado full of vacuum cleaners (if you're younger than 6 months, I hate you too. All you do is scream and poop).
> One reason that kids are just total scumbags is that they aren't cultured. They'd rather play things like Roblox and Minecraft than Clue. They'd rather talk about Mr Beast than My Dinner with Andre. They think that it is acceptable to watch Wicked in two separate installations and without a live cast. They think Taylor Swift has had a musical career long enough to span a large number of "eras".
> I have thought about this problem for some time. I tried bribing a few children to be more cultured, but they quickly spent my money on temporary tattoos and on some weird roblox currency. After a feasibility study, I have determined that kidnapping all children, strapping them into a Clockwork Orange machine, and forcing them to watch every episode of "Frasier" is most likely illegal in some countries.
> Thus, I am crowdsourcing. I am confident that if we solve this great problem, we can help a lot of people and get a boatload of grant money from all of the world's governments.

Do you realize children are a reflection of their parents and the society in which they were born.
You are talking about something that will cause conflict. Talking about children that's extreme
I'm assuming you were never 6 months old and under?
Despite how annoying and work-needing they can be, 6-months-old, everybody...was born at a young age. Unless you're talking about Ben Button. Don't mention that.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
I found something about that quote:

Therein a pertinent post entitled Misbehaving Chidren in Ancient Times? Plato or Socrates? It turns out that the answer is neither. The above quotation, or rather something very close to it,

. . . was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907. Freeman did not claim that the passage under analysis was a direct quotation of anyone; instead, he was presenting his own summary of the complaints directed against young people in ancient times.
One of us has gotta make a time machine to get clousems to six months old again...! But keep his adult brain, I want to see him struggle with screaming and pooping all the time ;) I'll help!