
Differences Between Over-The-Board And Online Chess

@noahlz said in #2:
> Really? Because everyone and I mean everyone I play in OTB does this.
I think it is not allowed ANYMORE.
Thanks for this post. Really interesting and directly relevant to me - I have only very occasionally played OTB but a lot of online. Have bookmarked this for future reference :)
I live in the US and it is definitely not always required to bring your own clock, even if they do in certain places.
@noahlz said in #16:
> Turns out it is in USCF
Ok. I play in Germany so there aren't USCF tournaments. Thanks for your information.
@Beyond-The-Black said in #19:
> Ok. I play in Germany so there aren't USCF tournaments. Thanks for your information.

I really wish they would have the same rule for USCF, because I find it really annoying and very close to "touch move!"