
english is not boring it can be quite aggressive

@clockpdf Regarding 1. c4 d6 2. Nc3 e5 3. e4, I have to say that third move has a downside: by this white eliminates kingside fianchetto as an option. Of course, it's not tragic, but it allows black to equalize quickly. Black's plan is Nf6, Nbd7, Be7, c5, f5, (the move order may vary), exchanging lightsquare bishop against white kingside knight or white lightsquare bishop and get some kind of French defense position.
In English opening the strongest idea against black first moves d6 & e5 would be to transpose into Queen's Gambit Declined setup (e3, d4, but NOT with Nf3, because kingside knight will be chased with e4 or eventually exchanged against black lightsquare bishop). In that case you can apply many ideas and strategic plans that French defense players use against King's Indian attack, because you get similar type of position, but with reversed colours.
hmmm i see and that is some nice info and thanks for tell me about that @kalnap and i will do some research on my own about this line and thanks once again

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