
feature request - title mashing

I think it would be cool if you could match mashup some of your titles like

LFM Lichess fide master

GLM Grand lichess master

Also related question how does the fide master title work?

is it given to people with fide rating?

Also another related question (I shouldve made this a separate post) does fide take away your IM title after you become a GM?

Or do you still have it and are a GIM Grand international master?
@venter4971 said in #1:
> I think it would be cool if you could match mashup some of your titles like

They're not Lichess titles, they're (mostly) FIDE titles.

> LFM Lichess fide master

That makes no sense.

> GLM Grand lichess master

That makes slightly more sense, but just as silly.

> Also related question how does the fide master title work?

I believe it is awarded once you reach 2300 FIDE, and possibly under other circumstances, unlike IM and GM which are norms based.

> is it given to people with fide rating?

That is a requirement, but not the only one. I have a FIDE rating, but am far from FM.

> Also another related question (I shouldve made this a separate post) does fide take away your IM title after you become a GM?

The GM title supersedes IM, so it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure if it's possible to become a GM without first being an IM, but most (if not all) GMs were once IMs.

> Or do you still have it and are a GIM Grand international master?

The full name of the Grandmaster title is International Grandmaster, so you're close on that one.
@AsDaGo Thanks for answering my questions

The thought was so you could represent more titles instead of only one

Like you're both a lichess master and a fide master and you get an even cooler title like Lichess fide master instead of only choosing one

Not that it would matter for me anyways because Im far away from ever getting a title
@venter4971 said in #3:
> The thought was so you could represent more titles instead of only one
> Like you're both a lichess master and a fide master and you get an even cooler title like Liches fide master instead of only choosing one

Lichess Master is the only title specific to Lichess. That is a good point though, if you were a Lichess Master and had another title, you would have to choose which one to use. But displaying multiple titles would add clutter, and displaying them with something like LFM would add confusion.

Anna Rudolf is both an IM and WGM, but I believe she is often referred to as a WGM because it sounds more impressive, even though IM is actually the more difficult title to achieve.
@AsDaGo said in #4:
> Lichess Master is the only title specific to Lichess.

I know that LM is only specific to Lichess but I don't see any harm in matching somewhat unofficial lichess titles and official fide titles

> That is a good point though, if you were a Lichess Master and had another title, you would have to choose which one to use. But displaying multiple titles would add clutter, and displaying them with something like LFM would add confusion.

I honestly think the confusion would be worth it
No doubt a lot of people are always going to ask about the titles but it will die off soon
New players will always ask about it and kinda annoying I guess

> Anna Rudolf is both an IM and WGM, but I believe she is often referred to as a WGM because it sounds more impressive, even though IM is actually the more difficult title to achieve.

Could you explain why an IM title would be more difficult to achieve than a WGM title?
Also isn't there a thing such as a WIM title?
Is it because titles with W are from women's chess events
and regular titles are from regular events
and regular events are harder than women's events?
@venter4971 said in #5:
> I know that LM is only specific to Lichess but I don't see any harm in matching somewhat unofficial lichess titles and official fide titles

I don't think Lichess wants to add more titles. I also don't think they give out the LM title anymore.

> I honestly think the confusion would be worth it
> No doubt a lot of people are always going to ask about the titles but it will die off soon
> New players will always ask about it and kinda annoying I guess

Probably the only time you might want to display two titles is if you have an LM title and an OTB title. Otherwise, just display the higher title. For example, if you are an IM and also an NM, you probably won't care about displaying your NM title, especially since every IM is likely going to be an NM if their local chess federation provides such a title.

> ?
> Could you explain why an IM title would be more difficult to achieve than a WGM title?

To be an IM, you must have a FIDE rating of at least 2400 and three IM norms which, to quote Wikipedia, is "in general, [...] a performance rating of at least 2450 over 9 or more games". To be a WGM, you need "a FIDE rating of 2300 and three norms of 2400 performance rating." Of course, to be a WGM you also need to be a woman, so becoming an IM would be easier if you are not a woman.

> Also isn't there a thing such as a WIM title?

Yes. That is lower than both the WGM and IM titles.

> Is it because titles with W are from women's chess events
> and regular titles are from regular events

These are both true.
[Edit: Although you can gain a women's title from playing in open events.]

> and regular events are harder than women's events?

Well, it depends on the ratings of the people playing in the events. The IM title is more difficult to achieve, because it has higher requirements than WGM.
@AsDaGo So hypothetically if lichess took my idea seriously then there could be such thing as a


I think im going to change my gender and get all the titles
@venter4971 said in #7:
> @AsDaGo So hypothetically if lichess took my idea seriously then there could be such thing as a

At that point, we might as well just shorten it to the WTF title!
@AsDaGo said in #8:
> At that point, we might as well just shorten it to the WTF title!

Thats actually a good idea ngl

That should be the next unofficial title of lichess

When you get all the titles you get a wtf title

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