
Mildly annoying YouTube trend that seems to be getting worse.

So I click on a video about some subject or other and the creator starts talking about the subject for like 20 seconds or so, then suddenly stops and says "It would be great guys if you could just smash the like button and subscribe, as it really helps us keep on continuing to bring you more videos just like this one, blah blah blah..." now I find this mildly annoying, as it interrupts my engagement in their video which I was already interested in, but now am not, because of their appearing desperate display!,
I can make my own mind up about liking or subscribing without prompting Thankyou very much, you know.Any video I watch now who does this, I immediately turn off and move on to one who doesn't.
Anyway that's my rant about that overwith for now,
does anyone else here share my thoughts about this or maybe other irritating things some YouTube creators do. I'm not looking for confirmation bias or anything, I'm just asking for askings sake. :).
@KNIGHT_c4 said in #2:
> Please give my post a thumbs up.

I gave you a thumbs up, but I didn't see a subscribe button or a like button to smash...
@Mrchess78 said in #1:
> So I click on a video about some subject or other and the creator starts talking about the subject for like 20 seconds or so, then suddenly stops and says "It would be great guys if you could just smash the like button and subscribe, as it really helps us keep on continuing to bring you more videos just like this one, blah blah blah..." now I find this mildly annoying, as it interrupts my engagement in their video which I was already interested in, but now am not, because of their appearing desperate display!,
> I can make my own mind up about liking or subscribing without prompting Thankyou very much, you know.Any video I watch now who does this, I immediately turn off and move on to one who doesn't.
> Anyway that's my rant about that overwith for now,
> does anyone else here share my thoughts about this or maybe other irritating things some YouTube creators do. I'm not looking for confirmation bias or anything, I'm just asking for askings sake. :).

Yeah, that begging annoys me too, but I guess it's expected. YouTube has been drastically decreasing payments to creators over the last number of years. If you're a creator and depend on YouTube revenue for your living, you're pretty much forced to beg to keep food on your table and shoes on your kids. The people who don't beg are the ones who don't need YouTube income, and I do enjoy watching those people.
I've got an adblocker, but youtube is nibbling around the edges and inserting ads at the start of the videos, sometimes i have to watch the whole ad, other times I can hit a button to skip it. And on some videos ads start playing at random times at several point during the video. I'm not sure how to stop this short of paying for youtube premium. Youtube "nice little video you are watching here, shame if something interrupted it to make it hard to watch".
@NeuralGnat, You see, you're partly to blame for @KNIGHT_c4 s post not going viral by failing to smash those buttons lol. :). @NeuralGnat said in #5:
> Yeah, that begging annoys me too, but I guess it's expected. YouTube has been drastically decreasing payments to creators over the last number of years. If you're a creator and depend on YouTube revenue for your living, you're pretty much forced to beg to keep food on your table and shoes on your kids. The people who don't beg are the ones who don't need YouTube income, and I do enjoy watching those people.

Yeah, valid point, i can imagine however, that many first time viewers will just go to some other similar creator who doesn't do it, but as you say, I can understand why they may feel they have to ask for subs and likes etc (I guess it works for some, I don't know), but if they do feel the need to say all that spill, wait Untill the end of the video they created to say it Atleast, soon they'll just make the begging the whole video like "Hi guys, don't forget to smash those subscribe and like buttons, see you next time guys. " lol :).
I feel like they are trying to tick me into something,i feel like that
@pretzelattack1 said in #6:
> I've got an adblocker, but youtube is nibbling around the edges and inserting ads at the start of the videos, sometimes i have to watch the whole ad, other times I can hit a button to skip it. And on some videos ads start playing at random times at several point during the video. I'm not sure how to stop this short of paying for youtube premium. Youtube "nice little video you are watching here, shame if something interrupted it to make it hard to watch".

I recently was considering getting an add blocker, but to be honest I'm not great with tech, so don't want to complicate things for myself, but from what you've just said, I guess they are getting around it anyway now to a point. :).
@DogyBrown said in #8:
> I feel like they are trying to tick me into something,i feel like that

I feel they should Atleast wait until the video is over before talking about smashing the sub and like buttons etc, as opposed to like 20 seconds in to the video. :).

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