
Rating points lost due to playing a cheater

I played and lost to a cheater today (I received a message from Lichess saying he/she was banned within a few minutes after my report). Thank you for the prompt banning. Can you also please restore those rating points I lost in that game?

Thank you very much
Best regards
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
Read the F.A.Q.
@odoaker2015 said in #4:
> @Olderthanbefore joined Lichess just three weeks ago. And maybe he doesn't know much about Lichess yet. Forbearance on your part would be nice!
> That also applies to @Deadban !

when you make a form post it says it in a big read box

Your question may already have an answer in the F.A.Q."

if you fail to see that then idk
lichess should make it a tick box
reading the faq when you are pointed to them in a big red box is a matter of courtesy.
@glbert said in #8:
> reading the faq when you are pointed to them in a big red box is a matter of courtesy.

That is not the point. And you know that very well! The point here is dealing with people who sometimes ask questions because they don't know any better and are perhaps new and have overlooked something. Instead of answering sensibly, for example with the appropriate link, they are made fun of and belittled.
@Olderthanbefore2 said in #1:
> [...] Can you also please restore those rating points I lost in that game? [...]

The reason why only the rating points of the cheating player's most recent games are refunded to players with non-provisional ratings which did not themselves progress too far following playing the cheating player (see FAQ which odoaker2015 links in #5) is that refunding other ratings in full would have a negative effect on the accuracy of the ratings as a whole.

Basically, ratings converge to what they should be by themselves. "Refunding" all points lost by the opponents of the cheating player would then over-compensate. Ratings need to be a measure of the skills of the individual players and kept as accurate as they can be.

If losing to that cheating player has caused your rating to be temporarily too low, it will soon recover to what it should be when you play more games.

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