
Puzzles do not play the most challenging move

I am currently rated around 2600 - 2700 in puzzles. One weird thing that happens to me is that somehow when ever I put puzzles to 300+, I get more correct than normal difficulty. I was very puzzled about this so I tried to figure out why this happens and came to the conclusion that puzzles around my normal level are usually guessed by most users rather than actually fully calculated. Here is an example:
In this puzzle the first move (h5), was fairly easy but the reason I did not play it is because after Rg8, I couldn’t see a continuation to win. Turns out that after Rg8, Rd4 only move wins. But for some reason, after h5 black plays Nxd5 which makes the rest of the puzzle very easy forced win. I’m sure that if Rg8 was played, the puzzle could have easily gone up by 200 rating.

In conclusion I think a lot puzzles don’t play the most challenging move for a human which makes them less able to be fully and calculated more just guessing.
@SuperCheeto said in #1:
> I think a lot puzzles don’t play the most challenging move for a human
Yes, the move evaluated as best by the engine is played in response which is sometimes easier to handle for human user than some which are "worse" in the sense of engine evaluation but harder to deal with correctly for a human player. I'm afraid there is no easy way to change this as long as the puzzles are selected and processed by software without human review and intervention (which is likely not feasible).
You can always get the full benefit of the puzzle by calculating everything out in advance, which I'm given to understand we're supposed to do anyway. Now if the puzzle gives you a less challenging response, you can still easily confirm your calculations on the harder lines with the engine.

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