
Reacting to your own msg

I was in the forums a few minutes ago, and I refreshed my page. After this, I found that I am no longer able to react (with emoji) to the messages I have sent in the forums. Is this my problem, is it a bug, or is this an update?
<Comment deleted by user>
Hello #1,
It's not a bug! It was updated almost months ago! It doesn't matter whether you are banned or not! It's an update!!
@TheBulletMaster said in #1:
> I was in the forums a few minutes ago, and I refreshed my page. After this, I found that I am no longer able to react (with emoji) to the messages I have sent in the forums. Is this my problem, is it a bug, or is this an update?
up date ( you get what I did there?)
@MasterOvFan said in #5:
> do you not think he knows his account is banned by tos?

No. It is called a Shadow Ban. The user himself/herself doesn't know that he is banned by the lichess TOS. The only ways I know to realize is looking at the account of the opponent's you play with. If you are banned by the lichess TOS you only play with other lichess users who are banned. Number 2 is checking at . The last one is if somebody tells you that you are banned by the lichess TOS.
@Abhineet2011 said in #6:
> No. It is called a Shadow Ban. The user himself/herself doesn't know that he is banned by the lichess TOS. The only ways I know to realize is looking at the account of the opponent's you play with. If you are banned by the lichess TOS you only play with other lichess users who are banned. Number 2 is checking at . The last one is if somebody tells you that you are banned by the lichess TOS.

Ik I am banned. I realized it after a few minutes of logging back on lol. So I'm spending my times in forums. But thanks for telling me what shadow ban means.

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