
Post your best swindles here

Here is my most recent swindle offering. Was down an exchange, but managed to find a checkmate:

My pawns form a smile in the final position!

A truely terrible but entertaining game, i outplayed him in the opening, then got careless. But hey, while my queen was lost i found the last resource 30.Rf8+ which is a nice mate in 5 with my minor pieces if he doesnt play Bxf8 (i guess he really wanted my queen to stay pinned) :)

The queen sac in the opening is actually a sound one, (a thematic idea in this line of the russian grunfeld) but my way of handling it was not :)
h4+ loses to the simple Kh6, but i guess he really wanted a third extra pawn and took on h4. g3+ and Bg2 mate (or Kh2 and then g3) is the unstoppable threat (without giving the queen away) at the end.

And last one (probably the worst), a nice back rank swindle that i prepared with the ridiculous looking 57.Rxb2 just to lure away the white queen from the defense of the e1 square. Hope you enjoyed cause i sure did :)

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