
What is the most effective way to learn a new language?

1.Immerse Yourself in the Language 2.Practice Regularly 3.Engage with Native Speakers 4. Learn About the Culture.
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@lightning_nf spanish is a good easy pick as an English speaker. Don’t be discouraged if it’s hard at first. Once you get past learning how verbs work it actually gets a lot easier. When I started learning Spanish the first I learned was cómo se dice. And I’d ask everyone that at any and every object/ opportunity possible. And I made sure I learn a minimum of one word a day if not more. I learned in categories. For example each week I’d choose a new category. One week I’d focus on learning all the words related to weather next week food the following week animals. It took me about 6 months to be able to hold long conversations in Spanish and after a year I was giving 45 minute presentations in Spanish at my job. ( the presentations might have had been a little choppy here and there but they weren’t bad.) don’t give up and I’m sure you will reach a good level one day!
No grammar is hard once you understand it in your bones.

But of all the grammars that I know of, English is the least complicated. Simply count the relatively small number of tenses and moods and note the simplicity of pronouns and the absence of a need to memorize a gender for each noun.

But why do Brits and Americans spell the guy who lives next door as "neighbor"? What the fudge? And that's a relatively gentle example.