
Puzzle Leaderboard

Seems like this would be a good idea, not sure why Puzzle rating isn't on the player leader board.
Because anyone can go to the game the puzzle was drawn from & play whatever stockfish suggests. If you want a site with puzzle related leaderboards though I'd recommend It's my go to for tactics training now.
one fix for the "anyone can go to the game" is to NOT post the game link until after you've played it. the system doesn't allow you to gain points if you go to the puzzle directly, so that should be a way to keep the leader board somewhat honest :)
Btw did they change the rating of the puzzles? I had some really easy 2400 puzzles which used to be something like 2100 imo.
Yes , there are lot of cheaters for that I am in the team Cheater Investigation Association (CIA) .

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