
Help with Sicilian

@Mrchess78 You've not played any blitz or bullet. Try it a few different openings in quick games. Doesn't matter what your rating ends up at. If it goes down you simply get easier games to experiment with tactics etc.
@hampy Yeah, i don't play bullet or blitz at this point or rapid , i feel i need more time to learn what the moves are all actually doing because obviously every move has several functions , a lot of which i don't understand at this point in time if i'm honest.

But you have a good point about experimenting with tactics in faster games etc, only i fear i would struggle to remember what i had learned in this scenario as it's obviously very fast game play.
First of all, dont expect to learn a opening properly at your rating. I play the sicilian as black aswell and I am far from playing it properly (like really far). Others already mentioned it, tactics are way more important, because a slight positional advantage from the opening does not matter at all, if you lose/win a piece.

That said, I think the sicilian is great for beginners, because it often leads to imbalanced positions, so you can sharpen your chess skills.
I think someone should get pretty good at defending 1.e4 with 1...e5 and defending 1.d4 with 1...d5 before trying other defenses. I'm back to that now. I think i would have been better off by not trying to avoid that (especially in the d pawn openings.)
In the 6 games we played, your openings were fine. We played one sicilian with you as black and it was basically even during the opening. What stood out to me was pins and especially discovered attacks worked very well against you. Tactics training will get you further than learning deep theory on a single opening I think.
@QEDemonstrandum Yeah , i agree , when i said "l wan't to learn the opening properly" i only meant learn the opening how it's supposed to be played , i wasn't saying that i expect to suddenly know all the nuances associated with the Sicilian variations.

And i think one has to start somewhere and have some kind of goal when playing Chess regardless of their current rating, this is why i always ask other peoples advise.
@Crapablanca64 Yeah, It seems that everyone has their own Achilles heel 's in Chess ,my own are pretty much everything if i'm honest, so i'm gradually learning bit by bit and in no particular order, as who sets the order that works for every individual persons way of thinking?.
@General-__-Advance Yeah, tactics are perfectly good to know, but , they don't help much if one can't get past the opening stages of the game, so my own opinion is ,surely understanding how said opening actually is supposed to be played is very important in learning tactics , because when one understands the openings to a decent level, they can then progress to middle and end game tactics in the said opening.
And of course i take your point about getting too deep into theory in openings etc as it can lead to just going on auto pilot up to move 20 , but i wan't to understand why this is the theory up to move 20 in the first place! , there by improving my over all understanding of Chess

Of course a lot of people will not agree with me on this topic , and that's good because who want's to live in a world where everyone just agrees with everything you say?.

Of course i could be utterly incorrect in what i have said !.
Mrchess just imagine that every beginner thinks its the openin. Just imagine that the chess market most caters to the opening wishes. Yet you so many noobs that don't get get better. Don't you think its strange. There is a funny joke, were a reporter asked three kids with gel in their hair why the do that. All answered to be different. Than he had put them all together and said: you all do it to be different, do you recognize something?
@Subomega I fear we may be talking at cross purposes here , if one can't get past the opening, how can one learn tactics ?

And if ones learning tactics then how can one be playing ? because one wouldn't get past the opening in the first place as the opponent would have likely employed tactics unknown to you in the opening of which one didn't understand in the first place.

This is why there is all this opening theory of which we all utilise to get the game going in the first place without falling victim immediately to an opponents opening trap or tactic.

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