
Why the sudden rating progress?

Okay, so I play mostly Bullet games. It's not very good for getting better at chess, I know, but I just find it fun. Now, I've had a rating of around 1300 since last year. At one point I managed to reach 1406, but then I dropped back down to the 1300s.

Then the last few weeks I've gone from 1300 to a personal best of 1502 - which is great of course, but I can't really see why I suddenly been able to make such a progress. I haven't done anything different that I know of, haven't studied or anything, I just suddenly gained like 200 in rating seemingly with no reason?

How do you explain something like that? I mean, I don't think I'm suddenly that much "better". Luck? Flow? Being unusually focused/relaxed/whatever mentally? What do you think?
Lichess changed parameters?
You have a natural Talent?
Luck of Swedish People, like Irish People's Luck?
Black deal about your soul with the Bad One?
Sorry, have no answer today.
#1 Mental and physical health is vital for success in everything.
If you have improved your eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Exercise, And/or practice patterns then that explains a lot.
#2 Try to compare yourself (Health-wise) to how you were before this "jump" in rating and you may notice a difference.
Use photos, Videos, Games, And/or writing to compare yourself.
I hope this helps:)
For winning bullet you basically need tactic recognition speed and just knowing how to play fast (yeah..)
By playing more, you increase both of those things
at least, thats what i think..
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I do not know, but I think, if you every time take the fast forward button, you can not increase your strategic skills.
Yes, sure, I would expect improvements, I just didn't expect this sudden jump in rating. Over time, of course, I would hope I'm getting better. It just feels like during my first 280 hours I had a pretty stable rating, and then suddenly I gained 200.

No, I've always played 2+1.

One idea is that I might just have become better at avoiding playing when on a losing streak, taking breaks when tilted, etc. So the improvement might have to do with me just reducing unnecessary losses rather than suddenly playing much better.
It just could be your form, or you started solving more puzzles, talking about chess or something. Anyways, congrats on your rating!

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