
Why was this a lose, if white had insufficient material?

My question is how that black bishop lived while just hanging there twisting in the wind for 4 moves>?
@Sacmaniac said in #11:
> My question is how that black bishop lived while just hanging there twisting in the wind for 4 moves>?

Timed match my friend
Just run the 'a' pawn until it gets taken or u promote to a Queen then there's no mate if u lose on time & u can try to win even on time or mate the person possibly even ... if they block the pawn move the king so very fast heh u might even get 50 moves in
@infinite2009 said in #8:
> @genaron, this can happen in rare situations:
That is the idea, but that exact position is never happening here. Black can't move his pawn backwards to h7, he just moved to h6. :)
Just to close this topic, because some people still seem to be confused somehow with the answer, I’m going to post what I learnt from this.

A clarification: board is from Black perspective, so the pawn is an h pawn.

1. I realized that running out of time basically means that “from now on you will play in the worst possible way”. So even if you have a lot of pieces difference, running out of time assumes you will blunder after blunder. This explains what happened here: even though a mate in this case is very unlikely, the only possibility of it means a lose.

2. This can still be mate for white (if blacks play in the worst possible way).
To do this, black king must be at h1 and white king somewhere blocking black king to go out of h (like f2). If then black moves the pawn all the way up to h2, blocking its only escape route, white can mate by placing the knight at g3 to mate.

Thanks again to everyone that helped me understand it!

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