
story TIme!

But Silly Billy remembered the movie Terminator that the future is not written and decided to start a spectacular plan how to save in the next 3 days not only the people from Lichess but the whole universe.
Silly Billy at the last moment decided not to go on with the plan as he was worried that he may die.
He decided to get a good night's sleep before making such a critical decision, so he went to...
His local bar and drank 3 bottles of OP rum.
he got so drunk while watching chuck norris movie at the bar and start getting crazy ideas to do the same :/
He then took over the world and established the GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE club, where only pc builders that have MAX RGB can join.

(Such as myself)
But when he sobered up,he realized he was still just the same dreary nerd he was yesterday,and closed the club and threw all the max rgb(such as @Boss_Chess ) crowd into the street.
then he died, but the legend of silly billy remained strong because people wanted to be like him; they wanted to be silly but what also happened was ...
...a new and amazingly popular revolutionary movement evolved which proclaimed silliness to be next to Godliness...this empowered all the silly people in the world...which is to say,about 90% of the general population,and 100% of politicians...

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