
story TIme!

One day Billy found out Finegold was secretly using a move calculating program.
Billy felt silly and searched the entire web for that program but found Lichess where he instantly created an account.
his first oppenonent was MightyMouse2727, but Billy found out that GM Ben was on lichess, so he challenged Mr. Ben and clicked the voice chat button, and Ben accepted the call...
Billy said "time to uncover the truth of how good you are Ben "
Ben replied " Yup thats what shes said " :D
so they both played, and talked and Billy carefully watched as ben went offline and online, always playing the best move, Billy was going to talk about this in forums and get a whole website on his team to take down Ben and give him a rating of -1
But then Thibault joined in and explained Silly Billy that GM Ben Finegold get's so many challenges that he's playing more then 10 Bulletgames at the same time and got already bloody fingerst from switching in godspeed the tabs to make all his fans happy to play against him.
Billy felt Silly, so the next day when he went to the chess club at the library, he noticed the coach was...
Billy hold up his finger, he was a huge fan of GM Ginger, so he ordered two drinks but not to thin - for Simon a Williams and for him a Gin, so they startet to drink and later to sing.

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