Mono theisim is flawed by it's most basic tenet. The tenet that tells the faithful that only THEIR deity is real and all the others are fakes. What a hopelessly divisive way to think.
If there truly is only one God, then everyone is worshipping the SAME GOD !! There is only one, remember ?
I would disagree, if there is one God I would say it's less likely for everyone to be worshipping the same thing. If for example there was only one place in the world to get real ice cream, that doesn't mean everyone getting sorbet is also getting real ice cream just because there's only one place to get it, that doesn't make sense. Similarly, if there is one God, there is no reason to assume that anyone worshipping anything is worshipping the same one God.
@ganjamojo said in #1:
> Mono theisim is flawed by it's most basic tenet. The tenet that tells the faithful that only THEIR deity is real and all the others are fakes. What a hopelessly divisive way to think.
> If there truly is only one God, then everyone is worshipping the SAME GOD !! There is only one, remember ?
They are. If they are worshipping "God". And there is only one ACTUAL God, then obviously they are all worshipping the same one. Even though they refuse to admit it.
It's the belief IN GOD thats pertinent. Not how they dress their God up in their minds.
An actual omnipotent deity doesn't need mere humans to provide his identity or reason to exist. He is THE GOD and knows it. The notion that WE define HIM is nonsense.
If you truly, I mean TRULY believe in ANY God deity, you believe in the ONLY God deity, if there is only one. Like it or not.
@ganjamojo said in #3:
> They are. If they are worshipping "God". And there is only one ACTUAL God, then obviously they are all worshipping the same one. Even though they refuse to admit it.
> It's the belief IN GOD thats pertinent. Not how they dress their God up in their minds.
I really don't agree with that
If there is one God, this God would have a standard. His ideals are how He wants to be worshipped. If someone worships this God by sacrificing their children, how are we to say that this God likes this? You are essentially saying there is no wrong way to worship God then, and I can think of many morally wrong things that people have done in worship to gods in the past.
if it's the same god, why has she claimed exclusive paths to salvation with several different people?
The different faiths make those claims. No one has heard from God, directly. Even The Annunaki and the Nibirans had no idea who or what the "Creator" entity is.
God is unknowable to the sentient and un-important to the non sentient.
Not worth fighting over. The deal breaking flaw in mono-theism
There are gods and then there MIGHT be "God" Not even the gods, none of them, knew or know today who or what the "God" actually is.
t;dr all religions are wrong. Or on a less casual note, religion is different from reality.
(this argument about monotheisms applies for polytheisms just the same)
I don't think they are all "wrong" . I think most religions have elements of the truth within nthem.
What's flawed about them all is denying the obvious. That if only one God exists, then all of them are more likely to be wrong than right about who or what the "God" is than they want to admit.