
titled players.

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It's nice to have a title. Titled players are the top chess players, they really like the game. Some people may argue that a certain amount of talent is needed to get a chess title others think that it is about training. OTB titled players usually show good sportsmanship.
@kenzaburo Titled players aren't the top chess players, IMs and GMs are. Some titles are jokes: CM, WCM and the FIDE Online Arena titles. They were just invented by FIDE to earn money and are completely worthless.
And titled players are quite often people who show bad sportsmanship. I've played some big opens or blitz tournaments where many titled players participated and I could give you a long list of bad behaviour by titled players. There is no correlation let alone causation that links titles and good sportsmanship.
Online arena aren't currently recognized by FIDE, only OTB titles, personally I find 2200 CM decent. And considering that it's said that 600 million people "play" chess all the titled players are top chess players.

@Chillkroete77 guess I had better luck than you. Usually I had a great experience with titled players (FMs, IMs, GMs) an a rather poor one with players that pretend to live from chess prizes. But that's another story.
It doesn't make sense for FIDE not to recognize titles issued by themselves. It's like lichess not recognizing LM title for eligibility to play in titled arenas... Oh wait!
Regarding chess prizes, the prize for winning the world championship match should be high enough to live decently from it. The cost of living in Norway is very high. It's necessary to win additional tournaments to live comfortably there. Magnus Carlsen makes very good money by playing chess.

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