
Game Ended suddenly

so i just played a game and after move 5 the game ended and i was regestered as a leaver (black left the game) while i was making arrows and calculating what i should play as for the time control it was 3+2 and i was at my 2:30 so i basically only lost 30 seconds in total i think it may be some bug or maybe the page read that i left the game and like i said i did not leaver or even go to a diffrent tab i was making arrows and calculating what im suppose to play then the game ended at first i tought my opponent resigned
here is a link to the game its noting special just a 5 move game

im writing this because i did lost due to inactivity just for calculating for too long in a past game but i dismis it as i tought that i just took too long to make a move but this game is just a bit too much 30 seconds then the server considers that i have left
did anyone had something like this before ? or is it just me ?