
Time cheat

Just lost my first game to a time cheat. Tried to report but I don't know how to post a link to the game. Went to the "help" link and it was no help at all, just a finished game?!?! I want to report this guy.
what's a time cheat? it sounds like you believe someone added time to their clock which is impossible
What I mean by time cheat is that their time went to zero seconds and then back up to nine seconds.
> What I mean by time cheat is that their time went to zero seconds and then back up to nine seconds.

Your opponent didn't do that because there's no way for anyone to add time to their own clock.

What could have happened is your connection could have dropped out briefly when it was your opponents move. That would explain what you saw. I'll try to explain in more detail but it might not make much sense, I'm not always good at explaining things.

The clock you see ticking down is independent of the server, so while you were disconnected you still see your opponent's clock ticking down. While you were disconnected your opponent moved with 9 seconds left on their clock. So the server stops your opponent's clock and starts your clock. You won't see that happen until you reconnect. So your display still shows your opponent hasn't moved with their clock ticking down. When you reconnected your display syncs up with the server, and it will show your opponents move and the time they have left, and it will adjust your clock, you would have lost time while disconnected.

No cheating happened. It's just an unfortunate network issue that happens even to super grandmasters playing in a million dollar tournament.
@h2b2 You are the hero we need.

However, I would appreciate if you let the time cheat thing exist a little longer.

Anyway I think the job here is done.
Thanks H2B2 and other serious responded... I was having some spotty connection issues earlier. Also didn't even know I could add time to my opponents clock so maybe I geeked out on that.
Anytime I don't understand something I accuse other people of cheating - like a certain president.

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