
Download PGN - games limit

It has a limit of 5000?
I want to download all games archive.
Maybe you should upload most popular pgn files set on some free storage server, say, once a week?
For example:
lichess_all_games - 07.07.2015.pgn,
lichess_all_atomic_games - 07.07.2015.pgn,
lichess_all_horde_games - 07.07.2015.pgn
lichess_all_games_2000+rating - 07.07.2015.pgn
lichess_all_games_GM+IM - 07.07.2015.pgn


and so on.
Not sure what you mean has a limit of 5000, also what do you want it for? There is upcoming features planned that will show more statistics.

The games are binary encoded in the database to save space, the 80M games still takes about 100GB. Only exporting the relevant fields into a csv would take a third of the space, but unusable if you can't encode them yourself.

Here is the format (that torrent is not available anymore)
From advanced search, when I download search result, for example

it says 130,273 games found
but when download pgn file it is only 5000 games.
I'd like to download all games archive, to load it in database program (PerfectChessDatabase), and explore games, openings, etc.
Yes, it is big file, I know. But you could download it on file server, or create a torrent, updating it, say, weekly or monthly?
I would also certainly like this, and would be happy to use my computer for seeding the torrents.

Another wonderful feature I would like to suggest is to add the ability to filter only tournament games with the advanced search.

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