
The Missing Resource?

@Noflaps said:

"flaps have nothing to do with gender....."

That depends on what the patiient wants..................................................
When you step into the cockpit of an aircraft, you aren't a "patient." You are a man (or woman) in full.

Flaps. If you don't know what they're for, I can't help you.
Before I overlook a response, let me say:

The Dog. He's right as always.

If you don't know who the Dog is ... hey, welcome to Lichess!
@Noflaps said in #19:
> But Churchill did not "copy / paste" his speeches. Churchill was a master word painter.
Okay true, plagiarize or perhaps inspired is a more correct term.
Hir words is not the original source for "I can promise nothing but blood, sweat and tears"
Ze borrowed that from someone else's speech.
(Can't remember from whom, but if memory serves me right, it was an historical Ottoman/Turk or Arab military commander)

Ou borrowed hugely from H.G Wells throughout his career. (Ou is a old neopronoun word, used in some English dialects)

Funny enough the word "hir", and it's meaning, is actually older than noflaps, yet ze refuses to recognize it ;-)

On another note, "they, them and their" isn't always used to specify plurality. They can also mean singular, if the person is unknown.
Someone left their e2 pawn on my side of the board!
Please tell them to redraw immediately, or they will feel my wrath.

Okay, okay, I know what ze are thinking now, the pawn, hir can't move backwards, only advance forwards.
You know the rules, and so do I. (Totally did not copy/paste that line)
Older than Noflaps? What a novel idea.

"...plagiarize or perhaps inspired is a more correct term" <--- not only are the words "plagarize" and "inspired" wildy different, but they are also in this sentence inflected so as to make parallel construction a vain, unsatisfied dream.

Churchill roared for the entire blessed Island kingdom. He was a master of language. Of one language, anyway. I believe he did not wield French gracefully. But few do.

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