
Who's the most famous person you've ever met?

i have met a famous Turkish singer in an airplane flight,it wasnt much of a conversation,as i was going to my seat passing him i said to him ,,,you have a lovely voice sir,he smiled and said thank you,he seemed to like the compliment.
@Oportunist said in #12:
> i have met a famous Turkish singer in an airplane flight,it wasnt much of a conversation,as i was going to my seat passing him i said to him ,,,you have a lovely voice sir,he smiled and said thank you,he seemed to like the compliment.

who is he!!
@ew-pawn said in #13:
> who is he!!

Alp Arslan,TRT singer,you might know him from the program Akşam Sefası
@Oportunist said in #14:
> Alp Arslan,TRT singer,you might know him from the program Akşam Sefası

I haven’t heard him before i don’t usually watch tv :(
Machine Gun Kelly, Kim Kardashian, and a very close resemblance to Michael Jackson. But, the fake couldn't moonwalk to save his life.
Jane Fonda. Back when the Indians took over Alcatraz, my dad ran the boat that went back and forth from the mainland (acting as a sort of ferry service). So there we all were--me and Hanoi along with a few others--sitting around the table in the galley for the trip over. She wasn't exactly a ball of laughs, I must say (though my mom did manage to wheedle an autograph from her onto a napkin).

Earlier, my dad ran a party boat down south and so he met a number of Famous Folk that way. Like Ward Bond and June Allyson, who were both enthusiastic anglers. Dick Powell (June's hubby) went out once too, only he just sat in the galley playing cards all day long (my dad didn't care too much for that). Oh yeah, and Susan Hayward made the trip one time as well (and he didn't really take to her either).

He also met Jimmy Durante while he was living down there (painted the guy's house, in fact...and he said that JD kept doing shtick for the crew all day long). As well as Walt Disney ("Call me Walt"). Both the head composer and head lyricist at Disney Studios were frequent customers on the boat, and my dad said they were forever arguing (with lines in the water and beers in hand) over which was more important: music or words.

Walt took Pops on a tour of the studio, and even ended up giving him a cel from some movie (which his first wife got custody of in the settlement).

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