
why people still don't live on mars?

but there's water under the ice. and long ago that water wasn't frozen at all! and guess were all of these facts? well from my head of course. lol
@Marakuya said in #21:
> but there's water under the ice. and long ago that water wasn't frozen at all! and guess were all of these facts? well from my head of course. lol
It could possibly be true. But even if there was water at the poles long ago, we couldn't even know since we would still be evolving from apes! If there's still some water left there, that would be good news to Musk.
I also believe this. Everything else you can imagine a solution for. Water, for example, crash ice asteroids on Mars. Is there some solution at all for the lack of a magnetosphere?
Don't hate our species.

Seriously. Resist the trend.

We could have been on Mars already, but .... as long as there's one poor person on Earth can we afford to go into space?

The response of Columbus: I'm going, dude. Hope it all works out.

Yeah, Columbus. It's not just a nice little city in Ohio. Cowboy up, buckeroo.
The same reason we don’t live on the moon....We’ve never been there.
@HiramHolliday said in #26:
> The same reason we don’t live on the moon....We’ve never been there.

You may not have personally been there. However, humanity as a whole has put 12 people on the moon and tens of robotic rovers (even a tiny helicopter!) on Mars.

The evidence in favour of the Moon landings is extremely strong, most importantly the fact that the United State's geopolitical cold-war rival, the Soviet Union, didn't contest the landings. Their scientists and radio astronomers could verify that the transmission came from the moon. Even amateur radio operators (ham radio) managed to listen into the broadcast by aiming their antenna at the moon. So you don't need to rely on US government sources at all, private citizens and even the US's arch enemy confirmed it.

Of course there are a multitude of other lines of evidence, all pointing in the same direction (that the landings were real). Just to name a few:
Lunar rock brought back and studied by geologists worldwide, retroreflectors left on the lunar surface (used to this day for lunar laser ranging), primary photographic evidence (thousands of photographs, predating CGI and photoshop), primary video evidence (featuring dust that falls at one sixth of Earth's gravity as expected), secondary photographic evidence from LRO taking pictures of the Apollo 11 landing site from lunar orbit in 2012, testimony of thousands of people who worked on the Apollo project, engineers, human calculators, mathematicians, private contractors.
All of this evidence is publicly available and has been studied by scientists from all over the world for the last 50 years (geologists have learnt a lot about the joint origin of Earth and Moon from the lunar samples for example).

Here are some sources for the claims made above and additional information (in the form of an old post of mine):
Yes, a conspiracy to fake the moon landing would have been a much greater accomplishment than a moon landing.

Still, people believe in all sorts of things, that's why we have all these good for nothing political and industrial leaders.

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