
Most original looking chess set

Once upon a time I saw a Don Quichotte set with Death as one of the pieces, and it seemed just right. I forgot to save it. Does anybody remember that one, by chance?

is the origami chess set already folded or is 'some assembly required'? It would be cool if you could get a book and fold your own.

as for the metal set, that is the most expensive collection of nuts and bolts i've ever seen!
I think it’s already folded. Don’t think it’s a secret, you can probably find plans online. E.g. a slightly different version here:

And yeah, I’d buy some color and weld that metal set together myself before spending 400 bucks for sure. You can get really awesome wooden pieces at that price.
That has a nicer aesthetic imo. The pieces are easily recognized. The board seems a bit too small for the pieces though. Cool would be an origami set you could flatten for travel, say with the board folding up with an inside pocket for the pieces.
@Rookitiki said in #10:
> Origami Chess Set:

But that's just a each piece by itself. More impressive would be an entire position folded from a single piece of paper. And if you move a piece, you'd have to refold the paper! (I won't recommend playing bullet that way).
i dont think origami is suited for travel. the light weight is nice, but its not sturdy enough and god beware it gets wet. for around home you can make the squares whatever size you want i guess.
@saurabhsangeeth it's a simulation isn't it?

@Rookitiki The japanese have developed a treatment for paper making it weather resistant. I've seen bags, or laptop cases out of it. I even used to have a hat made of paper. As long as it wasn't a torrential downpour but just a typical European wet and rainy day, it was fine. I think that hat was folded somewhat like origami, but i bet this material wouldn't be very good for smaller origami figures like the chess set. But maybe the board could be made of such a material and the pieces could be kept inside it to protect them or do you play chess in the rain?

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