
Almost impossible to watch tournaments

As lichess tournaments are getting stronger, I find myself sometimes watching them - not playing. ;-)
Trying to follow the warmup hyper bullet tournament today I am getting a little bit frustrated, as the games in the miniboard in the upper right corner are changing constantly. I want to always keep an eye on the leaderbord and one on the miniboard.
I guess the logic is designed in a way, that the #1 of the leaderboard is broadcasted. As the leaderboard is more or less often changing (not only in the beginning of a tournament) it leads to endless switches to other games. Sometimes only four or five moves of a game are displayed and then it´´ switches to a new #1.
I would appreciate if the broadcast/miniboard could stick to the game, that is broadcasted, until the end.
Or do I miss a way to follow a tournament reasonable?
Let me add, that it would be great to have something like a multiboard view to be able to follow more games in parallel.
You can click on or hover over to watch any games from the list.
Sure, thanks.
But I do not want to move the mouse to hover or click. I want to lean back and enjoy the show. ;-)
is there a way to follow the main game in a tournament in a normal game view rather than the little box at the top-right of the tournament? like the same way you can follow a player's games as they continually change.

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