
Improvement suggestion: Automatically show rematch

When watching a game played by other players, you have to click the "view rematch" button in order to watch the rematch. I suggest this is done automatically: If the the players decide to play a rematch, you automatically see the rematch instead of having to push the "view rematch" button.
I already do, it is either specific for your browser or a setting you disabled.
Thanks Shamanics for the info. I can not find it anywhere in the settings... which browser are you using, and which operating system are you using?
Nvm, I got confused with the lichess tv which does it automatically.
Has admin read my suggestion? If so, please confirm....
I did. It can't be automatic because viewers could be discussing the game in the chat.
Thibault, I think 98 per cent of viewers would prefer to be taken automatically to the rematch without having to push the "view rematch" button first. Will you please consider the suggestion one more time?

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