
An old opening idea in the French defense

"Everything that is old, is new" GM Korchnoi once said about opening ideas, probably meaning that everything which is totally out of fashion in chess openings, will likely be forgotten by some chess players.
Here is an old opening idea that a NM shared with me in real life some time ago. The idea is that black quickly trades the "bad" Bc8 for the "attacking" bishop from f1.
A fresh game example :

This is a well known line against the advance french, and also very solid and easy to play for black. Btw if u want to avoid the 7. c4 sharp line, u can also exchange first on d4 and then play Bb5, with a very easy game to play.

I much prefer the Qa5 line, trying to target the d pawn before white can reinforce it effectively with c3. Typically I would have played 4. Nc6 first, but white played an odd variant in the game above.

I find the c8 bishop to be quite a strong piece in those games, since it can support the e6 pawn, allowing for f6 to be played, without compromising your centre.

I'm not entirely convinced the f1 bishop is much better for white in most of those games.

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