
How do you encourage children to eat vegetables?

@morphyms1817 said in #1:
?? What a weird question.
vegetables taste good, but some might be a bit hard for a kid to bite. So you might have to boil them to soften them up, but just cook meals that includes them. Though it is important that the cook is good.
I think if you put them on their dinner plate, they will eat them.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> I do not have kids myself, but I was curious how parents encourage their children in this way.
@morphyms1817, where there’s a whip, there’s a way. Just kidding. It’s pretty much what @Letpchess said – exposure to healthy foods, involvement in gardening or food prep, consistent habits, and tasty preparation, though her standards were higher than mine, I have to say. (I’m impressed, Letpchess!) My grown kids generally eat healthy foods now.

When my daughter was young she didn’t like vegetables (she was an all-round picky eater), and I wasn’t going to do a song-and-dance to get her to eat them. I didn’t force her to finish her food if she wasn’t hungry, but I wouldn’t let her have any snack-type food or dessert unless she finished her portion of the meal first. She eventually would eat her vegetables, and when she got to be about 13-14, the most amazing thing happened – she started liking all kinds of foods that she used to dislike! Well, except for seafood. I don’t think that’ll ever change.
I was a picky eater when I was a kid. Still am today, but much less so. Traveling, living and working in a different country helped change that.
My kids aren't as picky as I was, and I think that's because they've been influenced by people with different tastes. Me, their mother, their grandmother, their school and school friends. They love it when I get the apron on and do a western style roast chicken or steak with wine sauce or fried hash brown potatoes, even though those are the "foreign muck" their grandmother dislikes. But everyday, it's their grandmother who cooks, so they are used to <Monty Python spam skit/> boiled cabbage with pork bits, to dumplings with cabbage and questionable fillings, to rice noodles with cabbage soup, to home made bread made from sweet potatoes and garnished with cabbage, to just about anything made with cabbage. </Monty Python spam skit> And other veges too.
Tell the kids that if they do not eat their vegetables, you will throw them at them.
it's quite easy. you give them vegetables before protein. And if they don't eat. then they will remain hungry until the next day.
In India, we eat vegetables every single meal, so I don't think it's a problem for kids to eat vegetables. When kids watch their parents eating vegetables, they are influenced to do the same.

You CAN prepare vegetable sandwiches(don't add cheese; just vegetables) .
tell em you'll take em to the shooting range if they eat their veggies
@Noflaps said in #10:
> Dr. Gundry ..... If you don't know who that is, well, what a pity.

I know who he is. A snake oil salesman making money promoting dubious supplements and promoting heath claims that are scientifically unsound.

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