
Saving Computer Analysis Evaluation via Cloud or Other

Hi, cloud analysis works for the first few moves.
Can someone make it so cloud analysis works for more than just these first few moves.
I would let my computer analyze positions and when I would find myself in the exact same position again my computer would analyze from the beginning rather than from where I left off and stopped computer evaluation previously.
Hi bromoises, hi everyone! Chess is also a math puzzle. It has just too many positions to keep track of.
Quoting Bas Leijser in a Quora answer, "For the first four moves of chess alone, there are 318,979,564,000 (source: ) different combinations."
Imagine the exponential explosion after 7 moves, 8 moves...
Each position (with engine information attached) has quite a few bytes of data to be stored, so if you do the maths... It's just not possible to store everything. They gotta focus somewhere. So the cloud basically selects the most frequently played/analysed positions for storage, which is the only reasonable option available given the hardware limitations :>

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