
What is your favorite piece?

Didn't expect so much appreciation for the knight, it's always the piece I'm most wiling to sacrifice haha, but lately I've been trying to use it more. My favorite would have to be... Rook. It's so powerful and confident, and scary. Everyone always tries to eliminate the rook as soon as possible, because they know at the end of the day, the more rooks your opponent has, the scarier they are. But after learning how to checkmate someone with just a Rook and King, my appreciation increases. #RookGang
I'd say pawn bc I once played 600 uscf points up and won with a promotion:)
also wut on earth. Knights r cool bc they can fork, but so can queens, bishops, rooks, pawns, and the king.
Wait only three ppl said queen!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Pawn because it can change into any other piece apart from king and it captures differently from the way it normally, eh?
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