
why so many player are online geniuses and over the board know nothing

Maybe they're more used to online chess? I honestly don't know.
I think it has a huge effect on pattern recognition.
There was a regular at my local during the pre-COVID times.

He liked to watch sports on the television. No matter the sport, regardless of who was playing, he would frequently and loudly criticize the coach's strategy, or belittle a player's performance. Nobody ever came close to living up to his expectations.

It got to the point where, even if there wasn't sports on for him to criticize, just hearing him speak was like nails on a chalkboard.

Of course, you don't have to be a former footballer to talk intelligently and critically about the game, but it takes a special sort of asshole to adopt that pervasive (and loud) superiority. I imagine it's even easier to adopt a similar attitude online.
There's a big difference between online and OTB. This is also why rating conversions from online to OTB are always faulty, the skillset is different. When I played my first OTB tournament I also made many mistakes, didn't take enough time on critical moves, was missing tactics etc. Since then I've learned quite a bit about time management, staying calm and making sure I am not missing an obvious tactic.

There is also the psychological effect of seeing a 2D board and a 3D board. For me at first I had slightly trouble with the 3D board, but after some time I've gotten used to it and have no problems with either 2D or 3D. Many players do however.
Same thing can be said about going from OTB to online, the skillsets are different. Switching from 3D board to 2D board also takes some time to get used to.

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