
Do you have any celebrity news to share?

Musician, Sting, has seen his son, Giacomo, join the police. That is, the municipal authority, not the 80s' band.
They must have re-funded the police. The municipal authority. Not the band.

Large respect for the son, if your "news" is true. And possibly even if it isn't.

At night on the hard streets, among many with guns and bad intentions. It's not a job for the weak.

For the kid of a celebrity to do it? Pretty hard not to respect. There are easier lives, but not many that are as helpful.
,Why would a millionaire kid join the police????it is a respected job and you get free donuts but the reason people join the police is cause they dont have much options,they make the sacrifice so that they can take care of their families,maybe he has issues with his father and tryes to get some kind of revenge,i also read that a celebrities daughter decided to become a porn star,it feels like there is a similar motive here,They might be trying to upset their parents
Wait, what?

Policeman and porn star are not really comparable.

Porn stars typically make a lot more money, I think, although perhaps not in the long haul. I assume porn stars tend to retire from that profession a bit earlier.

And I'm not at all sure that one has to graduate from high school, or even have some college, to star in porn, unlike cops in some jurisdictions.

I'd say that policemen have to know more law and have to face more danger -- but I'm actually not at all sure those two things are true, either.

They're both pretty demanding professions. I'll admit that.
Old Megan Markle, in another attempt to stay relevant, is tracing her family tree.

I’ll wager a years salary that she’s related to those who made the sharpened sticks that were found in Africa. These sharpened sticks are reportedly thousands of years old and are much better and historically important than the sharpened sticks found in Europe and other places around the globe.

Her ancestors will also be responsible for other milestone inventions like the wheel, the steam engine and the discovery of electricity.

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