
post game computer analysis

I'm really starting to hate this. I beat a person 130 points higher than me with the Caro Kann, and was really happy, thinking I'd played a solid game (with 1 exception) Analyzed it.....nope, I still suck. Sigh. This happens a lot. On a quiet evening, you can hear my self esteem shrinking in exactly the way the universe isn't. I'm actually starting to talk trash to the analyzer.

Not as bad as it could be, of course. I could've LOST.

In chess, I would say that I'd prefer to play well and lose, rather than play badly and win. That's what I'd SAY, LOL

No, it's mostly true. But I have to admit that losing takes some sting out of realizing you played bad.
It is humbling, but that is good.
Even grandmaster games contain many errors. Like Caruana missed a forced checkmate against Carlsen and it would have made him World Champion.
Grandmasters get beaten by their cell phones.

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