
When You Trick Your Opponent in accepting the draw offer.

Great game!!
White missed 67. Ke6 winning the game with ease!!
By the way, congratulations for your victory!! 👏👏👏👏

I remember that I sometimes send takeback when I am sure of my sacrifice and the trick works when opponent declines takeback. 😆😆😆 But when opponent allows takeback, then again I make the same move until opponent gets irritated and declines the takeback that wins the game for me!! 😂😂😂😂
Bro I also will use it but if he always allows I will get irritated and resign it
That's his loss and he did have plenty time left to think about it. I admit I might have done the same, I certainly wouldn't have played the best computer move, perhaps just moved my rook to the g File after rook h8 to h7.

The lesson here might be if you have the time use it I could totally understand this repetition in a faster mode.

A lot of people just dont like endgames but I would expect guys at your level to be pretty good with rook king vs Rook King pawn

The "LOL YoU WeRe WiNnInG" might be a bit much though

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