
new red audio icon

Thanks, so please help me understand.. The purpose of the red icon is to give the user a hook for understanding why the sound didn't play?

You could say, "I don't see the relevance of [player] responsibility.."

Player responsibility looks relevant to me when making decisions about what problems to solve and what problems to not solve. One's model of what the player should and should not be responsible for will inform what one thinks about whether it's worth improving the no-sound behavior with a given design. It's admirable to want to improve things without any negative consequence. I'm not sure that is the case here. Always, designs entail tradeoffs.
Exactly this.

@OrangeMjau said in #25:
> it used to be that in FireFox, a sound would play at the start of a game, when the lichess tab has the focus. Something changed a few months ago and now this no longer happens. Also, the double-sound thing started around the same time.

Firefox stopped allowing media to auto-play when a page loads. This usually affects videos and (annoying) ads. But on lichess, it affects the game start sound. When you click in the game to make your first move, Firefox recognizes that you actually do want to have the sounds, so it plays what you missed, and allows the rest of the game to sound.
@OrangeMjau said in #31:
> You could say, "I don't see the relevance of [player] responsibility.."

You're right. My wording was too harsh.
@schlawg said in #36:
> You're right. My wording was too harsh.

Thanks for the message, I appreciate it.

So.. Can someone explain in one sentence the purpose of the red icon?
@schlawg said in #38:
> See last sentence of #30

@schlawg said in #30:
> The red icon IS useful if the user is wondering why the first sound on puzzles, training, storm, or racer aren't played.

I had read this sentence before and did not understand the purpose of the red icon beyond "be useful." A one sentence explanation of the purpose would be appreciated.

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