
Looking for opponents who'd like to play with a physical board

I'm looking for opponents who wouldn't mind playing some classical games with me every once in a while over a physical board. The idea is to have the game hosted over lichess, so that our moves reach each other, but we would really be looking over our own boards at home while deciding our moves. This also makes things a lot easier to analyze afterwards, because lichess will have a record of the game.

I'm doing this for two primary reasons. The first is that I want to get better at seeing things over the board, as I'm a budding tournament player. (and to get better at chess overall!) The second reason is that my internet is often laggy, so much so that I can't play rated games online due to the fact that I would just lose a lot of them on time, especially in blitz time controls. I know lichess has a lag compensation feature, but my ping is often in the 1000s or higher, which makes for an unpleasant online chess experience.

My favourite time control is classical, because I can get the most learning and thinking time out of a game that's longer. Ideally we would have time controls set at 30 minutes or higher, with a 10-15 second increment to compensate for my lag or inputting our moves into the online client. My tournament ELO is somewhere around 1400, so I'm mainly looking for players who are around the 1200-1600 range, however I would happily accept games with much stronger opponents! Everyone knows that getting your butt kicked is the key to having the best learning experience, especially in chess.

If you're interested, leave a comment on this thread, or send me a DM and we can further discuss things. Thanks for reading!
I have sent you a correspondence challenge, also happy to play regular classical games.
Why do you need the other person to use a physical board? It looks like all you really need is someone willing to play longer games.
@GoneSoul That's a good point, I probably should have considered that, lol. The idea is for us both to use physical boards, I suppose, so we can both get better at OTB play.
@KingdomOfZod Did you know that you can play with 3D board and pieces if you use lichess in a browser (mobile or desktop). Don't think you can on the app... Preferences -> Board Geometry

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