
Why computers can't evaluate accurately efficientness of an attack?

The computer jiggles between +6 and 0.0 . Why does it behave this weirdly?
@LoudPearlPepper said in #3:
> because it can't calculate the evaluation properly

It can, it just needs a little bit more time (depth) than for example the (efficiency-modified) game-analysis function is set up to.

Have fun!
@derkleineJo said in #4:
> It can, it just needs a little bit more time (depth) than for example the (efficiency-modified) game-analysis function is set up to.
> Have fun!

Talking about subjects you don't fully understand at all 1400 rated player.
@Butcherooooo said in #5:
> Talking about subjects you don't fully understand at all 1400 rated player.

I wonder how long it takes, until your forum access gets restricted (again)...
Running the latest version of Stockfish natively on you own PC (with plenty of RAM, threads and a tablebase) yields stronger results that the in-browser Web Assembly implementation here. Analyzing lines backwards and using MultiPV 2 helps to find lines that might be overlooked otherwise. Move 21. Rxh6 was not a blunder, it's the strongest move. I looked at a few lines and whatever black plays it takes just a few moves to reach a +10 position (at ~10B nodes/ply).

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