
Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.

@Toscani said in #10:
> Where is the game link. Unsubscribing, wasting my time.
If you read above, I said that it was an anonymous game.
anonymous games still have game links. even if it were a bug, nobody can help you without the game link because it's impossible to replicate the game unless you can reproduce all the moves.
@glbert said in #12:
> anonymous games still have game links. even if it were a bug, nobody can help you without the game link because it's impossible to replicate the game unless you can reproduce all the moves.

How I can get the link from my phone of an anonymous game? Thanks.
if you used the browser, the game id should still be in your browser history. if you used the app, i wouldn't know because i don't use it. but i am certain someone will know.
@glbert said in #14:
> if you used the browser, the game id should still be in your browser history. if you used the app, i wouldn't know because i don't use it. but i am certain someone will know.

I used the app, thanks for your reply. Many times I play without login, because first I want to improve my play. In FICS for example, in the same situation, the engine concedes a draw. I talked about this mostly to the developers (if someone is here) or if someone happened the same thing, it's a bit annoying because i think it should be a draw.
Unless you show the game or at least the final position, I'm afraid everyone's No 1 hypothesis will be that this is another case of "I misinterpreted the FIDE rule" or "I didn't realize how stupid that `series of legal moves' can be". Given how frequent these are in the forum, that's hardly surprising.
The side with a bare king will not win on time. I bet there was more on the board, like a knight or a bishop. But without the game, nobody can give help, nobody can look into it.

And this situation has been been discussed a gazillion times here, hence everybody is a bit tense on this topic.

BTW, I don't see the point in playing anonymously at all. If you start to play on an account only after learning, this might be never. And the experience logged in is so much better.
@nadjarostowa said in #17:
I can't demonstrate it sorry because I don't have the game, but I'm pretty sure that the advantage was devastating (and he/she hadn't enough material to do check mate), he/she only played the time not the game. If sometime it happens again, though I be anonymous I will save the game before closing the app and I put it here, thanks for your answer. BTW, not so bad experience playing anonymously, you play more relaxed.
@Pepo59 said in #18:
> and he/she hadn't enough material to do check mate
This is exactly what leads to most of these misunderstandings. Once you start thinking about it in the terms of "sufficient material" or "enough material", you may get to a wrong conclusion easily. A typical example is king and knight which is not "sufficient material" in the sense that K+N vs K is a draw but a checkmate with king and knight is possible once the opponent has e.g. a pawn, a knight or a bishop (and can even have a lot of other pieces).
An extreme example:

4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/4K1N1 w - - 0 1

is a draw (even without a timeout) but

rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/8/4K1N1 w kq - 0 1

is a win for White if Black runs out of time.

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