
Bad server connection

I've been losing some rated blitz games because the connection to your server is not good and crashes. I can't play until reconnecting. It's not my Internet provider because at the same time I play here I listen to music in the Internet without any problems. Is it fair that I lose rating points because a problem with your connection? Naturally not. I'm not asking to give me my rating points when I have the game advantage, sometimes won, but at least don't make me lose rating points when there are problems with your connection to the server. It happens several times.
Many thanks.
I see that your connection is orange which is 2 bars, so I'd imagine that it IS in fact your connection and not lichess's servers.

Lichess doesn't refund points for this.
the fact that you can hear music on youtube doesnt make your connection good. i think you should improve your connection
#1 You may be abke to listen to music but your distance from lichess servers matter.
#5 No, the distance contributes a few milliseconds, nothing impactful. Anyways, lila measures lag, and has advanced lag compensation to counteract that lag. Check
I lost many winning games because of bad network have to play only if you have good connection otherwise ready to lose rating points.
For the record, music on youtube buffers, so after you lose connection it will still play until it runs out of buffered content.
Don't listen to Music It consumes Your Internet and you lose games

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