
Is COVID-19 actually saving the Earth?

COVID-19 (Corona virus) looks like it is killing thousands of innocent people, (which is true) but Corona virus killed about 850K but did you know global warming (air pollution) usually kills about 10K A DAY, but now it is less than half. What is your opinion?
coronavirus should kill all humans. the stupid monkeys kil planet
Being rather new, I am constantly amazed by the kind of posts that show up in this forum.
covid 19 is a pandemic and has kill thousand of people!!! :(
now... where covid helped is at the atmosphere!!! but...if humans will keep destroying and acytually "killing" the Earth then idk how covid-19 will help..
@Elite_Revan327 how can you even say that? First, you cannot compare the both.
Second, this is a pandemic for heaven's sake!!!!!!!
Third, if global warming kills 10K in a day, this pandemic kills practically by the thousand every hour.
So that is a very irrelevant post of yours, no offence.
Either way the earth will die soon,I'm leaving this forum before I go deep,pls don't mention the word die...I'm not telling you not to but...
Is COVID-19 actually saving the Earth?
Yes. In collaboration with Uncle Billy and company.

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