
Russian apoligists/ deniers

@Roman_Sawur said in #60:
> "Average russian citizen" are REALLY agree with the dictator. You can don`t believe in it (from far west perspective it is impossible) but it is fact. They don`t give a shit about war, killing ukrainians, their own losses. They are worried about McDonald`s and IKEA closing, thats all. And they still love putin. And they still want to continue war.
Well, I at least know you are wrong, and in a lazy, cruel way at that.
@Evelynamodifieddog said in #63:
> Reality

No. Just empty words and overconfidence.

Check your "reality". Read russian forums. See russian show. Talk with russians.
@Evelynamodifieddog said in #65:
> SFB, go spread your hate propaganda somewhere else now, ok? You are a pathetic "human" eager to discount an entire country of people because you're too stupid to evaluate reality correctly. Please do that somewhere else, the purpose of this thread is to reveal Russian trolls, I don't know what you are, I just know I don't care at all about your false, incompetent version of things. Please go away.

Denied. I will be here and will be answer when I see nesessary. If you are unable understand an arguments because your overconfidence and incompetence, it is your problen.
@Roman_Sawur said in #66:
> Denied. I will be here and will be answer when I see nesessary. If you are unable understand an arguments because your overconfidence and incompetence, it is your problen.
I'ts actually your shit English that is challenging me, I don't read garbled discombobulations very well. Please write a coherent sentence, or even better, write nothing at all. Please, go away lol.
@pretzelattack1 said in #54:
> the US did not use a hydrogen bomb in world war 2. hydrogen bombs had not been invented yet. my point is the US and NATO have been driving and instigating a dangerous situation with Russia for 2 decades, and this is the result, a result long predicted by US experts. That is precisely why China lays the greater share of blame for this war at the feet of the US and NATO. the way to peace is for the US and NATO to recognize the legitimate security issues of Russia as a basis for negotiation. This should not be hard, since the rationale Russia is using for invasion is the same reason the US used to blockade (illegally) Russian ships, and the same reason the US used to overthrow governments thousands of miles away because the US viewed them as pro USSR. US/NATO withdraws, Russia withdraws, and life goes on.

Dont' be afraid to @ me friend. And excuse me, "Atomic" bomb. Point is you were wrong to imply it was nuclear.

And the point is Ukraine should be free to make their own decisions. We don't support any country ripping away the freedoms of another country unprovoked, simply for the sole purpose of ripping away their freedom and open democratic society. Your false equivalency attempts will never sway the world.

What the West is guilty of, is supporting this madman with money and praise for as long as we did. In that sense you are correct, the west is guilty of creating the most dangerous terrorist the world has ever seen. Putin.

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