
Why does the computer my move is a Blunder?

So in this correspondence game I went for a smothered mate which worked out in the end, and I won in just a few moves. I just don't know why the computer regards my Bishop sacrifice (Which allowed for me to attack that lonely pawn and therefore get to a position which then allowed checkmate from a bad move from my opponent) as a Blunder. Here's the game.

Damn, I wrote wrong. "Why does the computer SAY my move is a blunder?" Is the right title.
Because the smothered mate isn't forced. Therefore the bishop sacrifice just loses a piece.
8. Qb3! and not only can you say goodbye to your smothered mate, you also lose all momentum because the knight is forced to retreat (and White has time to castle).
Oh, I get it. So my opponents move was a blunder which lost them the game. Interesting how the computer calculates that. I actually was thinking that if he does the right move I lose, but he didnt do the right move. Lucky me.
Yeah ba3 was just a terrible move, he could have played something else like Qb3
so many good moves there for white, just not blunder the smothered mate ;)

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