
On what I regard to be a basic lack of knowledge of sportsmanship and manners

Thats whati wanted to say, even if you accepted the premise, i probably know dozens of people who say declining rematch is bad.Because 1 game could be luck.
I don't specifically find myself not saying good game after I lose. Rather, I tend to not saying it after a game at all. It's not me recenting my loss. I just generally can't be bothered to use the chat or click the gg button or anyhting in lichess, so I just play games without saying anything. Once in a while I say something if I feel like it, but that's not a common occurence.
if lichess had a button "rematch in 10 minutes"maybe more people would accept a rematch. I at least need some minutes restbetween games
@kokkko I agree completely about needing a break between games. When playing OTB, you get a few minutes' respite when you're setting the board up and resetting the clock. Online, the new game begins instantly, which I dislike. I need at least 30 to 60 seconds between games; I'm not a machine.
in otb if it's a tournament, there is no rematch a friendly atmosphere you also talk a bit about the match.but that you cannot have on the "sterile" internet
If i ever have a life i need to try otb if i still like chess. There was a fun exhibition in shopping centre were everyone could play blitz, even had a gm. But i felt like high couldn't think, so i did not try it. Thats the only thing i dont like about us, paying 5 dollar to play an nm. Ok sad old guy, but 5 dollar? Wth?
The thing is, online play is completely different from OTB. IMO, the main factor is that players are anonymous for all practical purposes, so there is no real social interaction between the players and there is no incenctive to build a reputation as a player.

Another big factor is that when people play OTB, they are fully focused on the game, whereas an online game can be just another thing to do to kill time. Why make pointless commentaries when you just want to feel the rush of playing a few blitz games?

TIS better to be vile then vile eſteemed,
When not to be, receiues reproach of being,
And the iuſt pleaſure loſt, which is ſo deemed,
Not by our feeling, but by others ſeeing.
For why ſhould others falſe adulterat eyes
Giue ſalutation to my ſportiue blood?
Or on my frailties why are frailer ſpies;
Which in their wils count bad what I think good?
Noe, I am that I am, and they that leuell
At my abuſes, reckon vp their owne,
I may be ſtraight though they them-ſelues be beuel
By their rancke thoughtes, my deedes muſt not be ſhown
  Vnleſſe this generall euill they maintaine,
  All men are bad and in their badneſſe raigne.

— Shakespeare
  Sonnet 121
Ko nekdo zahteva revanšo po zmagi se logično pojavi vprašanje: "Kaj bi pa zdaj rad? Saj si zmagal." in lahko pomeni le eno sporočilo: "Lahko sem še boljši od tebe, v naslednji partiji te bom totalno ponižal, uničil...". Zato jaz po zmagi ne pritiskam gumba za revanšo, pač pa počakam nekaj sekund, če nasprotnik želi revanšo - če ne, se vljudno umaknem. Razen, če igram proti kakemu nasprotniku iz države kjer velja taka verska kultura, ki uničuje človeštvo, ja tam pa po zmagi takoj pritisnem revanšo in deluje.

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