
This player uses chess computer assistance

We have great amount of software to find cheaters. If someone was cheating it does not mean that he used program to make every move. Mistakes and inaccuracies is not a point. And we never hang people without enough evidence.

Just for your information dozens of cheaters are baned/reseted every few days. We just dont advertise our work.

So rlx. Honest players can play safe.
Absolutely incorrect
There are many accounts here passing undetected by those "systems"
So, cheat my minions!
^Marked one of yours accounts just a few days ago btw. You can cheat ofc, but you will be caught sooner or later.

And remember - if you are cheating you will never improve. Person who just copied moves of an engine without thinking gets a win, yes, but nothing more than that. Cheater never learns.
Actually tons of accounts. Anyway darkside is always defeated in the end. Have fun
I like your move times in this 1+0 timed game here.

You were almost smart enough to see that your clock was running low at move number 8 in the game when you lost by time-out.

It's almost as if you weren't using your time actually playing chess.
Move times longer than 5 seconds for 80% of a 1+0 game?
What were you...running some other chess software in the background or something? :P
Mephostophilis, It happened because I mail with this guy in the game 1+0 and not looked at the time control.

azimov → Jurist - 10.01.2012 6:17 Damn, I have not looked at the time control (
Jurist → azimov - 10.01.2012 6:20
azimov → Jurist - 10.01.2012 6:38
1st loss here. You're not from ******?
Jurist → azimov - 10.01.2012 16:11
No, do not participate)
OK, ok, thread is closed I go out to another chess site

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